Fight the Signs of Aging With Renuvion® Skin Tightening

Women looking at her face in the mirror (Model)

Renuvion skin tightening is a minimally invasive procedure that has changed how we treat excess skin and fat in body contouring procedures at our Lexington plastic surgery practice.

Liposuction and Aging Skin

As we age, our skin loses its elasticity. If we perform liposuction on someone who has lost skin elasticity, we may trade one problem (excess fat) for another problem (excess skin).

For many years we had only two options to treat excess fat: treat the patient with liposuction and hope the tissue would respond and retract back, or perform liposuction in conjunction with removing the excess skin, such as with a tummy tuck, arm lift, or neck lift. With Renuvion, we now have a third option we did not have before.

Why Renuvion?

When performed in combination with liposuction, Renuvion allows us to perform high-definition body sculpting with a procedure that:

  • Removes excess fat
  • Retracts the skin without using the long incisions needed for tummy tucks or arm lifts

How Does Renuvion Work?

Renuvion combines radiofrequency and helium plasma to heat the underlying tissue to the optimal temperature for maximum contraction. The tissue cools in less than 1 second. The tissue retracts initially, and patients can actually feel their tighter skin. Patients will, however, see a progressive tightening over the course of weeks, even months.

The Renuvion handpiece has a long, thin probe.

Long-Term Skin Tightening

Renuvion allows us to provide a middle ground for patients who can benefit from liposuction but who do not want the scar of an excision. Unlike superficial nonsurgical skin tightening procedures that have to be repeated yearly, Renuvion offers long-term tissue contraction. I have performed this procedure successfully on the neck, arms, back, abdomen, and thighs. Take a look at the Instagram video below to see how the procedure is performed.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate?

Typically a Renuvion patient has relatively healthy skin but has lost some elasticity due to aging. They are generally women and men who are 30 to 50 years old, do not smoke, and have sun-damaged skin or stretch marks. Patients may have excess fat pockets or loose skin or both.

Schedule your Renuvion consultation for the neck, arms, abdomen or thigh and receive a complimentary area.* You can contact us online or call us at (859) 277-9435 to schedule a consultation.

*Prices good on consultations scheduled through August 2022.

*Applies to surgeon’s fee


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