Breast Augmentation


Women visit top board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jared Nimtz for breast augmentation (a “boob job”) in Lexington and London, Kentucky, to enhance the size and shape of their breasts. He is known for providing results that look naturally beautiful using the latest breast implants, advanced surgical techniques, and an aesthetic eye for beauty and proportion. That’s why women from Bowling Green and Louisville, KY, and Knoxville, TN, who are considering breast implants visit Dr. Nimtz at Commonwealth Plastic Surgery for their procedures.

Breast Augmentation
 Before & After Photos


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What Is Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, also called breast enlargement or breast implant surgery, is a surgical procedure that makes the breasts larger and improves their shape with implants or the patient’s own fat.

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost in Louisville and Lexington, KY?

At our practice in Lexington and London, the price of breast augmentation will vary depending on your choice of breast implants. After you meet with Dr. Nimtz, we will identify exactly what your breast augmentation procedure will cost, at which time we will give you an all-inclusive quote. We do offer CareCredit® as a financing option. We also accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover as well as cash or personal checks.

Who Is a Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

There are many personal reasons women visit breast enhancement specialist Dr. Jared Nimtz for breast augmentation, including:

  • Increasing the size of naturally small breasts
  • Replacing breast volume lost to weight changes, pregnancy, or the aging process
  • Improving breast symmetry
  • Making breast size and shape more symmetric

Choices for a Personalized Procedure

When considering a breast augmentation procedure, several factors are important to consider for the best, most natural-looking results:

Size Of The Implant (graphic)
Type Of Implant (graphic)
Position of the Implant (graphic)
Projection/style of the implant (graphic)
Position of the incision (graphic)

Dr. Nimtz outlines several important factors regarding breast augmentation, including a day-by-day photo gallery of a patient’s results following her breast augmentation procedure in his blog: Beauty, Art, and Medicine.

Dr. Jared Nimtz

Dr. Nimtz is a Lexington board-certified plastic surgeon who is highly skilled, experienced, and truly cares about his patients. Through a conservative, classic approach to surgery he provides natural-looking results that are attractive and proportionate.

Meet Dr. Nimtz

Implant Size

Women often come into our office with a particular cup size in mind; however, breast implants are measured in volume (cubic centimeters or cc), not in cup size. A standard rule of thumb we tell patients is that every cup size increase is approximately 150 to 200 cc. That means patients considering going from an A cup to a C cup might desire a 300 to 400 cc implant, depending on their desired result as well as their own anatomy.

Projection/Style of Implant

Different breast implant manufacturers may use different descriptions for implant profile options. Some use moderate, moderate plus, high profile, and even ultra-high profiles. Others use moderate, full, and extra full profiles. Whatever phrases are used to describe profiles, the concept remains the same: For any given breast diameter, some people want more volume, and some want less. The more volume a patient wants for her diameter, the more projection she needs. For less volume, the less projection the patient needs.

One of the main objectives of a consultation is to measure the breast diameter. Dr. Nimtz tries to stay within the patient’s diameter when selecting an implant because the more he goes over that diameter, the more side projection the patient will get, which many women do not want.

Type of Implant

Saline versus silicone has been the standard option in breast implants for years, and this is still an important consideration. With the newer types of implants on the market, though, patients may find they want to do a look-and-feel test to determine which implant they might like best. Dr. Nimtz offers a variety of implant types to meet each patient’s unique needs and preferences. Options include:

  • Saline: filled with sterile salt water after they are placed within the breast pocket. This is the least expensive type of implant that women typically choose when they have concerns about silicone.
  • Silicone gel: contain soft silicone gel that stays together even when cut or punctured so leaks are not a concern. This type feels and moves like natural breast tissue.
  • SERENE IMPLANT®: filled with harmless saline. Instead of having a single outer shell, these implants contain multiple shells nested within each other to provide a more natural look and feel than saline implants.
  • INSPIRA® SoftTouch: sometimes called “gummy bear implants,” these silicone gel implants are firmer than standard silicone implants to maintain fullness in the upper breast while still giving a very natural look and feel.

We have a range of breast implants for patients to try out in different sizes, types, and projections.

Saline vs. Silicone Breast Implants

Choosing between silicone and saline implants is essentially a personal decision; each type of implant has its own pros and cons. Review the table for comparison.

Saline & Silicone Breast Implant Comparison

Patient AgeAt least 18At least 22
PriceMore affordable than siliconeMore expensive than saline
ResultsFeel less natural than siliconeSoft, doughy, natural feel
IncisionAll optionsInframammary or periareolar
ShapesRound and anatomicalRound and anatomical
RipplingMore likelyLess likely
RuptureImmediately noticeableDetected with imaging

Breast Augmentation Incision Options

Dr. Nimtz is well-versed in different types of breast augmentation incisions and will guide you toward the technique that yields the best results. Your breast augmentation incision options include:

  • Inframammary: hidden in the natural fold of the breast
  • Periareolar: around your nipple
  • Transaxillary: near the underarm

Some patients do not prefer the periareolar incision because they worry about the risk of affecting nipple sensation. For patients getting a nipple lift or a breast lift procedure that requires an incision on or around the nipple, however, it makes sense to use that same incision for the implant as well. Transaxillary incisions are typically only used for patients who choose saline implants. 

Breast Implant Placement Options

Another important consideration is where to place your breast implants. The main placement options include:

  • Subglandular: implants placed over the chest muscle
  • Submuscular: implants placed behind the chest muscle 
  • Dual-plane: a combination of subglandular and submuscular placement

Placing implants under the chest muscles helps disguise them, giving the breasts a nice, natural appearance. Some women, such as bodybuilders, don’t want their muscles stretched, so we might put the implant over the top of the muscle. For very thin women, however, the implants will be visible.

What Is Dual-Planed Breast Augmentation?

Dr. Nimtz often uses a dual-plane placement so the upper part of the implant is covered by muscle and the lower part of the implant is not. This placement gives more fullness to the lower portion of the breast. It works particularly well on women who have small breasts to begin with. He also uses this approach to decrease the risk of animation deformity (the implant moves anytime a patient flexes her pectoral muscles). The least risk of any animation deformity is placing that implant subglandularly, or on top of the muscle, but this placement gives women with little breast tissue a circular-shaped breast instead of a natural breast shape.

Breast Implant Location Comparison

LocationIn front of the chest muscle Behind the chest muscle Combination of both 
ResultsNatural-looking results for women with existing breast tissue Very natural-looking slope, contour, and results, especially for women with little breast tissue Highly customizable to your aesthetic vision 
AppearanceRippling may be more visible Lower risk of implant visibility Implant edges may be visible when there’s not adequate breast tissue 
Mammogram InerpretationMore difficult More accurate May vary

How Long Does It Take To Recover From Breast Augmentation Surgery?

You’ll feel sore for the first few days after surgery but should be able to manage any pain with medication prescribed by Dr. Nimtz. Most patients can return to work and light activity about a week after surgery and start easing into more strenuous activities within 4 to 6 weeks. It’s important to wear your surgical support bra as directed during the recovery period and keep the area around the incisions clean and dry until you have healed.

While every patient varies, here’s a general timeline of what to expect during breast augmentation recovery week-to-week:

Week 1: You need a week of downtime following your procedure. Over-the-counter pain medications help manage discomfort. Sleeping on your back in an elevated position minimizes swelling.

Week 2: Most women can return to nonstrenuous work. Walking and regular, gentle movement facilitate blood flow and healing.

Weeks 3 to 5: Swelling and bruising greatly diminish. Strenuous activity should still be avoided while your breast implants settle into their final position.

2 to 3 Months: You should be able to resume all activities and appreciate the results of your enhanced breasts. Your final results may take several more months as the breasts fully settle into place.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Patients who are interested in breast augmentation without implants can attain a small increase in breast size with fat transfer. With this procedure, Dr. Nimtz removes fat with liposuction, purifies it, and injects it into the breast. The patient can see a subtle, more natural effect with fat transfer and receives the benefit of enhancing contours with liposuction as well.

Before and After Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation & Lift


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Before & After Tummy Tuck Case 112 Front View in Lexington & London, KY
This patient had a breast lift to reshape her breasts along with fat transfer for a slight increase in size.

Breast Augmentation vs. Breast Lift Surgery

Both breast augmentation and breast lift surgery are breast enhancement procedures; however, they provide different benefits. Breast augmentation adds volume to one or both breasts but does not correct significant sagging.

Before and After Breast Augmentation


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Before & After Breast Augmentation Case 43 View #1 View in Lexington & London, KY
This patient had breast augmentation without a lift because she didn't have significant sagging.

Breast lift surgery raises and reshapes the breasts (and areolas, if desired). It does not add fullness. Dr. Nimtz often combines breast lift, technically called mastopexy, with breast implants to correct significantly drooping breasts. He assesses the position of the breasts on the chest wall to determine whether patients need a breast lift.

Before and After Breast Augmentation & Lift


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Before & After Tummy Tuck Case 38 View #1 View in Lexington & London, KY
Dr. Nimtz performed a breast lift with implants (along with a tummy tuck) for this woman seeking a comprehensive transformation.

Can Breast Enhancement Surgery Be Combined With Other Procedures?

In addition to breast lift surgery, many women combine other plastic surgery procedures with breast augmentation. Popular options include:

When Dr. Nimtz combines multiple procedures in this way, it’s often called a mommy makeover. With a mommy makeover, patients benefit from very satisfying surgical results with just a single surgery and recovery period. Sometimes patients choose to complement their breast augmentation results by having a Brazilian butt lift separately for optimal safety and recovery.

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Is Breast Augmentation Safe?

Implants are inserted in sterile conditions, and inflammation is rare. If a saline implant ruptures, the fluid drains immediately, and it’s clear that it needs to be replaced. A ruptured silicone implant, on the other hand, can be difficult to detect because it maintains its shape. Implant manufacturers recommend women with silicone gel implants get an MRI done every couple of years to check the status of the implants. Many women skip these tests because they can be costly and they are not covered by health insurance. It’s important to know that these exams are recommended by the FDA and implant manufacturers, and patients should factor the recommendations into their decision to get silicone gel implants.

A Reputation Built on Results

Dr Nimtz and his wife were so incredible to me. They made this experience so easy, always being there...
I had a great experience at Commonwealth Plastic Surgery. Dr. Nimtz is professional, knowledgeable,...
I have been researching the procedures I wanted performed and surgeons who specialized in these procedures...
I am so happy I chose Dr. Nimtz for my rhinoplasty. He is an extremely skilled surgeon that truly cares...

Breast Augmentation FAQ

What’s the difference between breast augmentation and implants?

These terms are sometimes used interchangeably, but there is a difference. Breast augmentation is the surgical procedure during which breast implants are placed.

Will I need to replace my implants?

Unless you have a complication such as an implant rupture or you become dissatisfied with the way your breasts look, you do not need to replace your breast implants. Dr. Nimtz performs breast revision surgery for patients who need or desire it.

Will my implants feel natural?

Silicone gel breast implants placed under the chest muscle (submuscular placement) provide very natural-feeling results. During your consultation, you can feel both silicone and saline implants and compare for yourself.

Will I still be able to breastfeed after breast enhancement surgery?

Breast augmentation with implants or fat transfer usually does not interfere with breastfeeding. However, pregnancy and breastfeeding are likely to impact your breast augmentation results by stretching the skin and nipples. If motherhood is years away in your life plan and you want to move forward with your surgery, Dr. Nimtz can use a surgical technique that avoids the milk ducts and glands and associated nerves to optimize your chances of breastfeeding in the future.

Is breast augmentation surgery worth it?

The majority of breast augmentation patients are very satisfied with their results, which is why it is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the country. Many wish they hadn’t waited so long to have the surgery because of the improvements in confidence they gained.

What’s the best age for breast augmentation surgery?

The minimum age for breast augmentation with saline breast implants is 18 and 22 for silicone. The “best” age varies between patients. It is important to understand what to expect during recovery and to have realistic expectations about the results. If you are hoping to become pregnant in the near future, it’s a good idea to wait because the breasts go through significant changes during and after pregnancy.

Can I get a mammogram with implants?

Most radiology practices will ask mammogram patients if they have breast implants and take additional views to ensure the breast tissue is thoroughly assessed. 

I’ve heard you can lose sensation in your nipples, is this true?

While some patients may experience a loss or an increase in nipple sensitivity after breast augmentation, this change is typically temporary.

Achieve feminine curves that enhance your sensuality and confidence. If you are a woman living in greater Lexington or Louisville, as well as the surrounding communities of Kentucky, choose Commonwealth Plastic Surgery for outstanding breast augmentation results. Request a consultation today using our online form or call (859) 277-9435 to schedule an appointment.